Friday, February 29, 2008


Today is sets making day....
This is what we did...

(Ling printing things)

(Ling prints out the bed)
(Me making thing for the sets)

(This is something I made with clay)
(Daniel doing script)
(Meilin cutting out the red cloth)

(wow! look at the table!!)
Will be doing the sets at home in the weekend...
Must rest well over the weekend as production start on Monday!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 4

Today we presented our idea to the class...
Everything went well... lol...
Then we went down to suntec to buy the props...
Went to a few shop before we decided what toy to buy...
We decided to buy it because the legs and hand is easier to move...
And its much more bigger then a Lego...
After then we went Artfriend to buy some woods to make the sets...
But end we did bought any..
Cause it was to exp anise...
So we decided to go sch school work shop to take some woods tml...
Then we went down to Arab street to buy some cloth...
That about it for today...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


My group with met up today to decide the story...
At first we wanted to found the same storyline as the one given...
"The Thief and His Mother"
In the beginning we have different ideas for the story...
But after sometime of discussion we decided to change the thief to a murderer...
Slowly we came out with a story all agree on and start do write the script...
After coming out with the story we divided the job list for tml presentation...
I did the schedule and the script with the help of Daniel... =D
Oh ya...
Our film name is named...
"John tile"

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Ya... We have decided to use the story....
"The Thief and His Mother"
We are going to use the Stop motion to do the video...
We've also change a bit of the storyline....
By Tml thing will be planned out....

Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 1

I have make up my mind to use one of this two story...
" The Dog and the Hare"
Here is the link to the story plz read it....
I choose this story because I think is kind of true...
" No one can be a friend if you know not whether to trust or distrust him."

As in some people are like that.... you dont know whether to trust them or not....

One more is....
"The Thief and his Mother "
The link....
I choose this story because but I think that is meaningful and a great story to do on...
" Spare the rope and spoil the child."