Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 21

Post- production Day 4
The last day of Post-production... ya!!!!
We handed in our production after daniel edited some of the audio...
And did a last editing on one part of the video then we don't like...
Everything is done...
Good work guys.... :D

Here is the last pic for this production...
(our very own DVD!!!)

( The Back of it)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 20

Post-Production Day 3...
Today what I did was to colour correct everything....
As daniel is doing the audio...
And in between of colour correcting...
I and Ling went down to recode our voice again...
After that we gave it to Daniel to do the editing...
And I go back to do my colour correction...
After I trying some error...
I got my hand of how to use the colour correction in FCP...
Ok anyway, After I did my part....
I tried to help Daniel but I did not know how to use Soundtrack Pro...
Anyway that is not enough time for us to make it in time...
So I asked yoke ee how?..
Lucky the deadline was change to tml...

Day 19

Post- Production Day 2....
I came to school...
Found out that they are going to demolish the audio room...
I was like what the...
But nvm I was like telling we did all the recoding le anyway...
Called Daniel and he told me that he will be doing editing at home and will be coming later...
So I did the credits and the title in Hereafter....
And when daniel and the rest was in school...
He told me that we must record some of the sound....
I got worried cause the one and only audio is down and we have not more place to record and edit our sound...
So I asked Yoke Ee for help...
And told us there is a way...
And she will lend us her mic tml...
lol... Thank again....
Nv really take photo today cause we are running out of time... haiz....
Anyway all is left is the audio and the colour correction...
Hopefully can be done....

Oh ya... Here are some design of the title and logo I have done....

( the title)

(Omg why it became blue is RED!!!!)

(Sorry don't why it change it colour when it uploaded)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Day 18

Production Day 9...
Post production Day 1...
We started our offline editing long time along...
So we now are going online....
Daniel was editing in his lappy...
We were shooting emily with the green screen...

After shooting Hereafter was close...
SO we were at audio room the whole night...
Editing and recoding the sound...
Ha and some funny happened to me and daniel...
we forgot to take utensil...
And guess what we did...

(We make it ourself!!! lol)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Day 17

Interim 2!!!
Omg my whole group was late...
Sorry.. Yoke Ee for letting you wait...
Anyway when all of them come we started recoding some of our voices...
And at 1.30pm Yoke Ee came to find us again...
Show her the video...
She gave some comment...
After that we continue recoding...
Till we forget to shoot emily...
lol... so we need to push it to monday....

Photo TIME!!!
(it me!!! I am recoding my voice...)

(Daniel recoding me)

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Production Day 8....
Today we did all the last scene and the reshoot
Emily can't come today....
Because so we push it to the next day for Green Scene...
Ok all the reshoot was done....
What we leave now is Green Screen...
Sorry tml nv take any photo...
So ya...
Nothing much to See also today....
So ya today we out our things in Yoke ee's room..
Thank Yoke Ee...
OMG!! Tml is interim 2...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 15

Production Day 7...
We went to Daniel's place to get the set to school....
After we got to school we started shooting the last few scenes that we have left....
But again we can't do it all...
Cause the light fuse!!!!
So we need to push it to the next day....
But we have no place to put the things in Yvonne's room...
Thank Yvonne!!!!

Ok here are some photos...

(setting up)

(meilin animating.... Me shooting)

(Wow... Nice pic)

(setting up for the last scene)

(Emily doing the green screen for us)